- VAISLIC C.D., CATONEY Y.Février 1979Ostéonécrose condylienne du fémur. 1ères Journées d’Orthopédie de FORT DE FRANCE, février 1979.
- VAISLIC C.D.26 mars 1981Complete versus incomplete revascularization of surgically treated Patients with coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular Conference, St Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, March 26, 1981. Approved by the American Medical Association.
- VAISLIC C.D.12 avril 1981Recurrent tachycardia in ventricular aneurysm: surgical techniques. Cardiovascular Conference, St Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, April 12, 1981 Approved by the American Medical Association.
- VAISLIC C.D.30 avril 1981Cardiothoracic ratio: a simple method of evaluating patients late After coronary artery bypass. Cardiovascular Conference, St Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, April 30, 1981. Approved by the American Medical Association.
- VARGAS A., VAISLIC C.D.,1-2 mai 1981Prostaglandins and congenital cardiopathie. International Course of Cardiology, Mexico, May 1-2, 1981
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Enfermedad valvular. Segundo symposia International de cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Insufficiencia vascular perifericia. Segundo Symposia International de cirurgia, Bogota, May 25 -27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Schock cardiogenica. Segundo Symposio International de Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Anestesia in cirurgia cardiaca. Segundo Symposio International de Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Revascularisation myocardial. Segundo Symposia International de Cirurgia, Bogota, may 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Preservation myocardica Segundo Symposia International d Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Tetralogia de Fallot Segundo Symposia International d Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Guidado intensivo del patiente Segundo Symposio Internatinal d Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.25-27 mai 1981Manejo quirigico e l’enfermedad coronaria en patiente de mas de 65 anos. Segundo Symposia International d Cirurgia, Bogota, May 25-27, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., GRONDIN P.19-23 aout 1981Puente aortocoronaria 10 anos despues. VIII Congesa Dominicano de Cardiologia, Santo-Domingo, August 19-23, 1981.
- GRONDIN P., CAMPEAU L., VAISLIC C.D.9-11 décembre 1981Resultados clinicos de los injertos aortocoronarios à los diez anos de su réalisation. IX Jordanos Internacionales de actualization cardiovascular, Madrid, December 9-11, 1981.
- VAISLIC C.D., PUEL P., GRONDIN P., VARGAS A.9-12 décembre 1981Surgical resection of neoplasic thrombosis in the inferior vena cava by neoplasms of renal adrenal tract Presented at the 23 th Annual Meeting of the American College of Angiology, December 9-12, 1981
Oral presentations – 1979 to 1981
byDr Claude Vaislic
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Email : claudevaislic@hotmail.com
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